Gambia 2014

Yearbook 2014

The Gambia. In March, the country’s president Yahya Jammeh said that English should no longer be the official language of the former British colony. None of the domestic languages, of which Malinke is the largest, has yet been given official status.

In August, legislation against homosexuality was tightened, which has already been banned in the country. According to topb2bwebsites, Parliament voted in favor of the proposal that “gross homosexuality” should be punishable by life imprisonment. However, it was unclear what this wording meant. The tightening of laws was criticized by several international human rights organizations. In October and November there were reports that about 20 people were arrested for violating the new laws.

During the year, the 20th anniversary was also celebrated by the coup that brought Yahya Jammeh to power. On July 22, the date the coup took place in 1994, was proclaimed a national holiday, and on October 10, ten days of Jammeh’s 20 years in power began. In connection with the president’s presence abroad at the end of December, a supposed coup attempt in the capital Banjul was defeated.

Gambia Population 2014

GAMBIA. – The population of this small English possession (part colony, part protectorate) has risen to 279,686 residents in 1951 (of which 252,398 in the protectorate), with a density of 27 residents per km 2. The increase in the population in recent years is due to improved food conditions. The irrigated cultivation of rice has in fact made it possible to overcome the periods of famine that once afflicted the country. Among the food crops, in addition to rice (150,000 q), millet and corn stand out. Overall, however, Gambian agriculture has a marked monoculture character. In fact 110,000 ha are used for the cultivation of peanuts, with an average export of about 600,000 q. The collection of this production is a monopoly of Gambia Oilseeds Marketing Board. In rotation or mixed with peanuts is the millet crop. For export purposes, palm oil also counts. The breeding of cattle is important. The attempt by the British colonial government to upgrade a farm for farmyard animals in Yundum has failed. The development of an ilmenite field, promoted by the British Titan Products Co. (1956), is recent.

History and order. – In the framework of the British colonial policy adopted during and after the Second World War, that is to bring the dependent territories first to self-government in internal affairs and then to full sovereignty, Gambia had three successive constitutional reforms in 1947, in 1951 and then in 1954. According to the constitution of this last year, the Legislative Council is made up of a speaker, 5 official members, 16 non-official, (of which 2 appointed by the governor, 4 elected by the colony, 7 by the protectorate and 3 from the previous 11 elected members). In turn, the Executive Council (advisory body) is made up of 5 official and 6 non-official members, of which the last 3 with the title of ministers, with administrative responsibilities.

There are strong currents in the territory in favor of an agreement with the former French Republic of Senegal.

The British authorities have given extensive development to the system of “Native Authorities” in the 36 districts of the Protectorate. They consist of a district head, assisted by a variable number of councilors, and have local administrative powers. The same authorities took care of a development plan for 1955-60, which required the expenditure of 1,610,500 pounds, of which 1,272,000 was provided by the British Colonial Development and Welfare Fund.

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