Tagged: Kiribati

Kiribati, a Pacific island nation spread across the central and western Pacific Ocean, is known for its atolls, coral reefs, and a unique cultural heritage. Comprising 33 atolls and reef islands, Kiribati is one of the most dispersed countries on Earth. Governed as a parliamentary representative democratic republic, the political landscape is characterized by a stable multi-party system with parties like Tobwaan Kiribati Party, Boutokaan Kiribati Moa Party, and the Protect the Maneaba. Traditional leaders, represented in the House of Assembly, hold significant influence in Kiribati’s governance. The country faces challenges related to climate change, as rising sea levels threaten its low-lying islands, emphasizing the urgency of global climate action. Subsistence agriculture and fishing are the primary economic activities, with remittances, aid, and revenue from fishing licenses contributing to the economy. Kiribati’s rich cultural heritage includes traditional dance, music, and art, reflecting its Micronesian roots. The nation has a unique calendar, the International Date Line bisecting the country, making it the first to welcome each new day. While Kiribati has prioritized sustainability and environmental conservation, it navigates the delicate balance between preserving its cultural identity and adapting to the realities of a changing world. As a Small Island Developing State (SIDS), Kiribati actively engages in international forums to advocate for climate justice and the well-being of vulnerable island nations, exemplifying its significance in the global discourse on climate change and sustainable development.

Kiribati Population 2014

Kiribati 2014

Yearbook 2014 Kiribati. In March, Kiribati was reported to have dramatically increased its income linked to the fishing industry last year.  Kiribati population in 2020 is estimated at 119,460. The large revenues come from...