Tagged: Kyrgyzstan

Kyrgyzstan, a landlocked country in Central Asia, has experienced political and social transitions since gaining independence from the Soviet Union in 1991. Governed as a democratic republic, Kyrgyzstan’s political landscape has been marked by periods of instability, including two revolutions in 2005 and 2010. Major political parties include the Social Democratic Party, the Kyrgyzstan Party, and the Respublika-Ata Jurt coalition. The country’s political dynamics involve a balance between the presidency and the parliament, where multiple parties often form coalition governments. Kyrgyzstan has faced challenges related to corruption, weak governance, and ethnic tensions, particularly between Kyrgyz and Uzbek communities. The economy relies on agriculture, remittances, and the Kumtor Gold Mine, and faces challenges such as unemployment and poverty. Kyrgyzstan’s diverse cultural heritage, influenced by nomadic traditions, is evident in its festivals, music, and cuisine. The nation’s mountainous landscapes, including Lake Issyk-Kul and the Tien Shan range, contribute to its natural beauty. Kyrgyzstan has navigated its role in regional organizations such as the Eurasian Economic Union while maintaining relations with both Russia and China. The country’s foreign policy also involves cooperation with the United States and participation in peacekeeping missions. As Kyrgyzstan strives for political stability and economic development, it continues to grapple with issues of governance, social cohesion, and regional partnerships, embodying the complexities of post-Soviet Central Asian politics. HOMEAGERLY: Features democracy and rights of Kyrgyzstan.

Kyrgyzstan Population 2014

Kyrgyzstan 2014

The Kyrgyz (formerly called Kara – Kirghisi) are a Turkish-speaking people similar to the Kazakhs (see Kyrgyz). The name of Kirghisi, always used very broadly by the Russians, who include many tribes of different...