Palau 2014

Yearbook 2014

Palau. Palau population in 2020 is estimated at 18,105. Palau’s economic sea zone should become a marine nature reserve and all commercial fishing should be banned there. That is President Tommy Remengesau’s goal, which he announced at a UN meeting in New York in February. Fishing for housing needs and within the framework of the tourism industry will continue to be permitted. The fishing ban can take effect at the earliest when the fishing licenses signed with, for example, Japan and Taiwan have expired. The government hopes that investments in good diving opportunities and ecotourism will make the country’s economy develop in a more environmentally friendly way.

Palau Population 2014

According to topb2bwebsites, in late July and early August, Palau hosted the 45th annual meeting of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF). The meeting included climate change – a serious threat to the organisation’s many island states – and the fisheries issue on the agenda.

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