Tagged: Mauritania

Mauritania, located in North West Africa, is characterized by vast desert landscapes and a diverse cultural heritage. Governed as a presidential republic, Mauritania’s political landscape has seen periods of military rule and civilian governance since gaining independence from France in 1960. The political system involves a multi-party structure, with major parties including the Union for the Republic (UPR), the National Rally for Reform and Development (RNRD-TAWASSOUL), and the Democratic and Social Republican Party (PRDS). The nation has faced challenges such as political instability, ethnic tensions, and economic disparities. Mauritania’s economy relies on agriculture, mining, and fishing, with iron ore exports being a significant contributor. The country has a rich cultural tapestry shaped by Arab-Berber influences, seen in traditions like Moorish music, traditional dress, and nomadic practices. Despite progress, issues such as slavery, discrimination, and human rights concerns persist. As Mauritania addresses socio-economic development, political stability, and regional security, it actively participates in the Arab Maghreb Union and engages in international efforts to combat terrorism and promote regional cooperation in the Sahel. The nation’s complex history, cultural diversity, and ongoing efforts for democratic governance and inclusive development shape its trajectory within the broader context of the African continent. GETZIPCODES: Features democracy and rights of Mauritania.

Mauritania Population 2014

Mauritania 2014

Yearbook 2014 Mauritania. Mauritania population in 2020 is estimated at 4,649,669. The country’s president Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz took office in January as president of the African Union. The presidency rotates between the member...